Article marketing serves two primary purposes for your business. First, it’s a great way to build high-quality backlinks to your website.

Second, it’s an excellent way to win human admirers. People are more likely to do business with you if they find your articles helpful.

Tips on Article Marketing 

Whether you’re writing the article yourself or enlisting the help of a ghostwriter, there are specific guidelines you’ll want to follow to do this right:

  • Your articles MUST be 100% unique

Google will find out if you copy someone else’s writing, which will not go well for you.

  • Your article should be between 400-700 words.

If it’s shorter, the major article directories will reject it. If it’s much longer, nobody will want to read it; you’d be better off chopping it into two separate articles.

  • Your article should be written the way people speak.

Make it easy for people to read your article. Never use a complex word when a imple word will do. Remember that people’s attention span is very short online – and their willingness to ‘work’ to read your article is pretty much non-existent.

  • You’ll need a compelling title

You’ll need title and a teaser (a 1 to 2 sentence summary that compels a reader to choose your article to read). You will also need the body of the article, and a resource box that features your website URL and gives some reason for your audience to visit your site.

  • Make sure you format your article in a way that encourages people to read it

No long blocks of text – short paragraphs, bullet points, and white space are essential.

  • Use one of your keywords for each article

The keyword should appear early in the title, in the teaser, in the first sentence, in any subheads, in your resource box, and your anchor text in the resource box. You want to aim for about 1-2% keyword density in your article.

Final Thoughts:

Because you’re an expert in your field, writing articles is probably going to be fairly easy. However, you have to write it right to help your business grow and help you rank well on social engines. Following the above guidelines will ensure your articles are effective, get the attention of visitors, and of course, Google.